Open chords are chords formed on the neck of the mandolin utilizing open strings. These are usually some of the first chords most people learn.
The following is by no means a comprehensive charting of the open chords available on the mandolin. However, there are enough major chords here, as well as minors and sevenths, to play a lot of tunes. Especially if you’re playing in the common keys of C, G, D and A.
Open Major Chords
You’ll notice with the first couple of E-chords that you don’t want the 4th string (the low G) to sound, so you either don’t hit it, or mute it with the fleshy part of your thumb. For the first E-chord and the first A-chord, – if you can’t fret both strings with one finger, then use two. The finger numberings are suggestions based on attack, strength and economy of movement.

Minor chords and Dominant Sevenths
Here are some more chords for you to try. They are minor chords and minor sevenths. The only string you need to worry about muting in this group is the E-string in the Cm chord.

If you would like to increase your chord repertoire even more, check out the article on ‘Moveable Mandolin Chords’. If you’re looking for more information, and a better understanding of chord construction, check out the article titled ‘Chord Theory – the Triad’.
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