Turkey Surprise!
Turkey in the Straw is a request from a mandolin player in Connecticut. She was looking for a really easy “beginner’s” version with simple chords. I realized afterwards that maybe she just wanted the chords for backup.
Anyway, I tabbed out a simple arrangement of the melody along with the chord progression, and included diagrams of some easy ‘two-finger’ chords to play along.
Also, if you download the PDF file, you’ll find a second version. That second arrangement is only slightly more difficult than the first, so check it out!
The Chords
Here are some easy two-finger chords for backup. If you want to make it even simpler, you can forget about the D7 chord and just use the D chord in its’ place.

The Tune
It’s in 4/4 time, set out here in the key of G Major. The A-part is played twice, then the B part twice.
I’ve included the pick strokes in the tab for the first version.
They look like this:

Make sure you’re picking “down” on the beats, and “up” on the off-beats.
Listen to “Turkey in the Straw” for mandolin

Turkey Legs
Turkey in the Straw is a very recognizable old time tune. Not everybody will be able tell you what It’s called, but most will recognize the melody. It’s usually played as an instrumental.
I played it for my granddaughters – and they knew it right away! In fact, they even sang me some verses:
Well I had a little chicken and it wouldn’t lay an egg
So I poured hot water up and down it’s leg
The little chicken hollered and the little chicken begged
And that crazy little chicken laid a hard boiled egg!
Funny thing is.. those are pretty much the words to it. No wonder it’s usually played as an instrumental.
Hope you enjoy the arrangement. Thanks for taking a look.
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