Download the tablature and learn to play “The Temperance Reel” on the mandolin.
The Temperance Reel is another one of many old Irish tunes that crossed the ocean with our ancestors and became a part of traditional western music. You’re just as likely to run into the tune at a bluegrass session, as you are to hear it at an Irish or Scottish session.
Like many Irish and Scottish tunes, this tune is known by a few different names. In Ireland, it’s often called “The Teetotaller”. Be sure to check out “The Teetotaller” in the Celtic section. That tab is a little different. It’s definitely the same tune, but with more of an Irish feel to it.
I’ve tabbed out two versions. The first is pretty much the standard, and the second may give you some ideas for variation.
First version of The Temperance Reel for Mandolin.
Version 1
The Temperance Reel
Key of G

Tablature and Music
Just the Notation
Just the Tab
Once you’ve learned the above tab, take a look at this next version. Simple little changes can provide usable variations. I’ve changed some of the timing in a few places by replacing a couple of eighth notes with quarter notes, and a few notes have been changed for fingering. Other than that, a little ornamentation – a few hammer-ons and slides, as well as a little syncopation.
Second version of “The Temperance Reel” for mandolin:
Version 2
The Temperance Reel
Key of G

Tab and Music
Just the Notation
Just the Tab

My goal in this second version was to give the tune more of a “western fiddle” feel. Maybe I’ve succeeded, maybe I haven’t. Either way, you now have two versions of The Temperance Reel. You can pick the one you like, or you could play one after the other for variation. But, the idea is to mix and match different bars from each version and make your own variations.
Give it a try!