The Kesh Jig is a traditional tune that comes to us out of Ireland.
Years ago, “The Kesh” became very popular. It was often included in many sets, and heard at just about every session or festival for a good number of years.
It’s popularity was often attributed to The Bothy Band and their success. The Kesh was on their first album, released in 1975. According to Wikipedia, The Bothy Band “had quickly gained a reputation as one of the most influential bands playing Irish traditional music“.
That’s where I first learned the tune, just like many other people.
The Tune
It was one of the first Celtic melodies I learned on the banjo (along with ‘the Irish Washerwoman’). The arrangement below is probably pretty close to what you’d hear from the Uilleann pipes, or the fiddle on an early Bothy Band recording.
The following version of The Kesh Jig is in the Key of G. It’s often played very fast. However, the audio file below is at a fairly slow tempo so once you’ve got it down, try to play along.
Listen to ‘The Kesh‘ for mandolin:
The Kesh Jig

Too Much if a Good Thing
Often, when a song becomes very popular, its played a lot. Maybe too much in some cases. But, they’re good tunes, with plenty of musical appeal, so we want to hear them over and over again.
And we do, so much that we tire of them. Then, the tune may go through a lull – a period where you don’t hear it as often. But, the good ones have staying power, and they’ll be back!
As a result, The Kesh, along with tunes like Morrison’s Jig and The Irish Washerwoman, have become very recognizable, even by those unfamiliar with traditional Irish music.
Ask anyone to hum an Irish jig, and you’ll probably get a version of one of those tunes. Although, its also possible that you may get the melody from a Lucky Charms commercial.
Good luck! Hope you enjoy.
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