“Fire on the Mountain” seems to be a very popular song title. Therefore, there could be some confusion as to which melody we’re looking at in today’s lesson.
The Marshal Tucker Band did a number by that name, and that particular song became very popular. As a result, that’s probably what most people will think of when they hear this title. But, this isn’t that song!
Also, The Grateful Dead recorded a tune with the same name, as did The Charlie Daniel’s Band. Both great tunes! However, once again, this isn’t it.
The tune below is a traditional old-time fiddle tune that dates back to the late 1800’s. Its an instrumental (no lyrics that I know of) and has roots originating in the U.S.
The Tune
I was listening to a version of this instrumental done by Bill Munroe and the Bluegrass Boys. I’ve never been very successful trying emulate Mr. Munroe, so I don’t usually try. Consequently, the following arrangement is based more on what’s happening with the fiddle, but with fewer notes. That is to say, it’s been modified for these pages.
The A-part is played twice, and its in the Key of A major. The tune then switches to the Key of D major for the B-part. That’s played through just once, then it switches back to the Key of A, incorporating a short, 2 bar bridge to lead back to the A-part.
Of course, there are variations to that formula. So, its entirely up to you.
Listen to “Fire on the Mountain” for mandolin.

If any downloads or images are missing, please let me know. I’ll get on it as soon as I can.
Rapid Fire on the Mountain
This tune is usually played very fast with a barrage of 8th notes. But, learn it slowly and commit it to memory before trying to speed up. Meanwhile, if you feel you’re ready to add some more notes, just remember what key you’re in and try adding notes from that scale. Do some experimenting. Your ear will tell you what works!
I hope you enjoy the tune. Let me know what you think.
Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions.
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