Download the tablature and learn to play the Irish tune “The Cliffs of Moher” on the mandolin.
The Cliffs of Moher are in County Clare, on the west coast of Ireland, and stretch for 5 or 6 miles along the Atlantic Coast. They look absolutely incredible, kind of like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle just sitting on the ocean.
I’ve listened to the tune many times on the Foinn Seisiun CD (volume 1). The other day it was playing in the car, and I decided to tab it out when I got home. I think it works out pretty well on the mandolin. Now I’m looking for a couple of other tunes so I can fit it into a set.
Actually, this tune could probably make a pretty good solo mandolin project.
Listen to “The Cliffs of Moher” for mandolin:
The Cliffs of Moher

Tablature and Music
Just the Notation
Just the Tab
This mandolin tablature for “The Cliffs of Moher” is in A dorian. So, the scale itself starts on A and has only one sharp (F#). The melody has that minor quality, or minor sound, associated with the Dorian Mode.